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Set #6 is the usual starter set, although set #4 followed by set #4A is a common alternative since the two #4/#4A sets provide all the necessary stones (plus a few extra) to be the equivalent to a set #6.  (One does not need sets #4 and #4A if one has set #6.) 
The "A" sets are then added to each similarly numbered set to make the next set in the sequence.  For example, set #6 plus set #6A makes set #8; set #8 plus set #8A makes set #10; etc.  The design books that come with each set assume that one has all the previous sets in the sequence in order to build the constructions in the book.

SetsDescriptionPrice       PuzzlesDescriptionPrice
 #6the basic starter set = #6
105 stones

The Puzzeler
(aka Tangram)
7 Stones
178 designs
 #6Asupplement to set # 6 to = #8
113 stones

Egg of
9 Stones
95 designs
 #8Asupplement to set #8 to = #10
116 stones

Heart9 Stones
98 designs
#10Asupplement to #10 to = #12
165 stones

Circular10 Stones
105 designs
#12Asupplement to #12 to = #14
206 stones

The Nine9 Stones
125 designs
#14Asupplement to #14 to = #16
214 stones

Wrath-Breaker7 Stones
97 designs
supplement to #16 to = #18
265 stones


supplement to #18 to = #20
230 stones with Gothic arches

Other Sets

42 stones

supplement to #20 to = #22
300 stones in larger sized box

#4    together
#4A       = #6
55 stones 
68 stones
supplement to #22 to = #24
271 stones - larger sized box
Mosaic Set
for floor designs
547 stones


#24Asupplement to #24 to = #26
305 stones - larger sized box
$290 Conversion Set
NF-NS  CD with
146 stones
plan designs

supplement to #26 to = #28
291 stones - larger sized box
39 pieces
supplement to #28 to = #30
352 stones in even larger box
 #30Asupplement to #30 to = #32
246 stones large box as #28A
$310 Limited Edition Sets
Basilica of St. Michael  

74 Stones

#32 A/B
the final, double layer box, which comes in two single layer boxes$670*


USPS Priority delivery within the continental United States (2-3 days) is included in the price of Anchor building sets 18A and smaller, FedEx ground or equivalent for Sets 20A and larger. USPS First Class delivery within the continental United States (2-5 days) is included in the price of the Anchor puzzles. Please contact me for shipping costs to other areas or for other shipping options.