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These ornaments make a wonderful addition to the newly manufactured stone building sets and they are (or soon will be) available at The ToyHouse.  Please watch for more details or write for more information now. 

New Metal 
Bridge #4   $275
Two side spans
with 24 parts,
16 screws &
Bridge #4A $275
Center arch
with 16 parts &
12 screws
Bridge #4A is no
longer available.

Tower Finials by Juergen Gebhardt
Style No. L to R
Specify stone fit
#1  293,288  $30
#3  293,288  $10
#6  293,288  $10
#7  292,288  $25
#8  286,287,290,
      291,292  $25
#9  289,284  $40
#10 293,288 $15

Wooden Window and Clock Ornaments
by Sabine Bergmann
Roman Windows   set of 8 windows             $50
(5050, 5062 x2, 4075, 5087, 50100 x2, 5075)
Gothic Windows    set of 8 windows             $65
(5043, 5037, 5062, 5050, 5087, 5093, 5075, 4093)
wwhh where ww=width & hh=straight side in mm

Kasten 34 Set of two plates (one and two)   $170
w/ 3 Roman, 7 Gothic, 11 round, 3 rose windows

Round Windows  (specify row & column from file)
Large Window     50mm                           $10ea
Medium Window  37.5mm                         $6ea
Other Windows and Clocks   (specify from file)
Small Window    25mm                             $3ea
Rose Window     50mmx75mm                 $10ea
Three Clock Faces (one each S,M,L)         $5 set